
Duke nukem vs doomguy
Duke nukem vs doomguy

(Version 3.1): Left-click and drag the "DOOM.CON" file into the main. bat file), then left-click and drag the "n" file into the main. (Version 3.0): Double-click the "dukedoom" application (it is a. con activated, the previously listed changes are not present (the projectile that the Revenant uses will shrink the player, enemies and bosses will use Duke Nukem 3D sound effects and voices, etc). Revenants use projectiles that function like rockets (although the projectile looks like a Mancubus fireball) instead of shrinking the player.The mod doesn't use Duke Nukem 3D music and instead uses music mostly from Blood using the MIDI format.The Doomguy's movement speed is slower (version 3.1 only).Some of the enemies and bosses have Doom enem voices (the Cacodemon sounds like it does in Doom rather than using Octabrain sounds) instead of Duke Nukem 3D enemy voices.The Doom health bonus and armor bonus sprites are able to be picked up and give the player 1% health and armor, respectively (version 3.1 only).The Hell Knight "statues" (Hell Knight sprites that just stand still and are incapable of being killed) have been removed Hell Knights appear as actual enemies instead.The Plasma Cannon functions similarly to the Plasma Gun/Plasma Rifle from Doom in that it doesn't freeze enemies.Some of the items are named differently.Plasma Cannon projectiles do not bounce off of walls or doors (version 3.1 only).Plasma Cannon projectiles use a new sprite (version 3.0 only).Cursed Expander can hold 100 shots maximum (version 3.1 only).Cursed Expander can hold 120 shots maximum (version 3.0 only).BFG 10000 can hold one shot maximum (version 3.1 only).BFG 10000 can hold seven shots maximum (version 3.0 only).The Chaingun Cannon ammo boxes give the player 100 bullets instead of 50.Chaingun Cannon can hold 400 bullets maximum.The Double-barreled Shotgun ammo boxes give the player two shells instead of 10 (version 3.1 only).Double-barreled Shotgun can hold 20 shells maximum (version 3.1 only).Double-barreled Shotgun can hold 40 shells maximum (version 3.0 only).The Uzi ammo pick-ups give the player 50 bullets instead of 12.The player starts off with 110% health by default instead of 100%.con activated, the following changes occur:

duke nukem vs doomguy

con file (titled "n" in version 3.0, titled "DOOM.CON" in version 3.1) is activated. The gameplay differs depending on whether or not a specific. However, the music isn't from the Doom games (the title screen uses Doom II music, while most of the music in the levels is from Blood using the MIDI format). The enemies are from Doom and Doom II as well.

duke nukem vs doomguy

The game has many weapons taken from Doom and Doom II, but it also used some weapons from other Build engine games.

Duke nukem vs doomguy